Friday, August 19, 2011

Thank you for calling Davidson Legal Staffing.

36 hours, 5 days later and I have finished my first week of training at Davidson Legal Staffing as the new Branch Coordinator. First Office meeting check, first background checks performed,  first office gossip, the list goes on. But I'll spare you because frankly I don't quite know all my duties yet. Still in training.  My own desk, my own phone, my own company email. All very official except..... I'm not on Payroll. Waah waah! That's ok, I'm young and I still have faith in society that I will get paid for the rightful hours I have worked. :) Can't wait for that to change.

Monday, December 13, 2010


Back Home in good ole San Diego, the land of Ron Burgandy (i wish). And now the 3 week long intensive to identify my future begins! First thing my dad springs on me.... "You know what you could do, join the air force or navy", What the heck.... as much as i love a man in uniform... and trust me i do, this little spark is going to take a lot of prayer. And a miracle for them to accept me (i suppose me being gone for  4 months made my dad forget how high maintenance i am). 

Anyways so i'm ready to put that on the back burner, while i enjoy some FREE home cooked meals, FREE laundry, no schedule, and a heavy amount of harry potter (in the form of reading the 7th book again just for kicks). Tis the Season to be Jolly. 

And to take care of that minor blasphemous comment, Thank you Jesus for getting me through this quarter. And I am stoked to spend oodles and oodles amounts of time with you these next three weeks. 

Last weeks Updates: 1. Kyrie is now an active in ADX YAY!!!! 2. my second Love in the world besides Jesus, is Big love, a show about polygamist mormons living life and making you feel like it is normal.  HELLLLO Winter break. 

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Fin de Semestre de invierno

Excuse my broken espanol, but for the first time in my college career, I am done with exams on Tuesday of finals week. A fabulous end to a very long and very exhausting quarter. Thats the last time I take 18 units, (1. because I only need approximately 14 units spread across two quarters, 2. because that may not have been the wisest idea to say the least). Glory to God I came out on top... I think. The verdict is still out until next Friday.

Filled with my last Halloween in I.V.

An AGO/ ADX Christmas Party

 Fraternity Serenades... "Just the Way You are"

90's Party (meet Tia & Tamara and Mary Kate & Ashley Olson)

An impromptu Photo Shoot

A visit to the Pumpkin Patch

ADX's annual Thanksgiving Dinner

Jesus Wolkswagon Bus (in traditional hippie Santa Barbabra Style)
 A Flag Football Tournament

And lastly one reunion with the long lost Jillian Duncan (soon to be Manger)

Overall the ups and down balance each other out, and thankfully 3 1/2 weeks of freedom lye ahead!


Tuesday, June 15, 2010

A Little Over a Week Left

There is a little over a week left before I leave to meet up with my team for briefing and then off to the Middle East. God has placed a lot on my heart- my family, my team, the people we will meet and its a little overwhelming. But I praise God that He keeps reminding me that it is His mission this summer. My plans will not succeed, but only in His strength will my family be ministered to through this trip, will my team be able to serve each other in the ways we need,  and will I be able to form deep relationships with the native people and love them like Christ loves them.

Please keep praying for my team's support to come in, for the middle eastern people and for my team's relationships to deepen through Christ.

I'll keep you all updated, but I ask for grace with this whole blog thing... iIm not as savvy at it as the rest of my generation.